
Zhongguancun spurs innovation amid COVID-19 pandemic

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: May 13, 2020 L M S

Even when faced with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, Zhongguancun enterprises not only achieved good epidemic prevention and control but also accelerated innovation and development. 

In the first quarter, Zhongguancun's R & D expenditures totaled 57.86 billion yuan, an increase of 13.8% year-on-year; technical income totaled 237.76 billion yuan ($33.53 billion), an increase of 9.5% year-on-year; and patent applications totaled 13,919, an increase of 19.2% year-on-year. 

Seize the opportunity

The Mingji AI Intelligent Temperature Measurement System-Mini Edition developed by MEGVII has been applied in more than 2,000 places such as party and government offices and public service halls, and has been exported to Thailand, Japan, and elsewhere. In addition, CETC, Baidu, Deepglint, Jiu-yi, China Transinfo, and Nuctech have also launched a number of temperature measurement products. 

The AI-assisted COVID-19 screening and epidemic surveillance system developed by Infervision, Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and The Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen has been launched in more than 80 hospitals around the world and played a role in more than 270,000 related cases. 

Achieve innovative development 

To facilitate identification of personnel during the epidemic, Babel Technology developed a voiceprint recognition access control and gate. Several other voiceprint recognition products are also under development. 

DHC completed the information management system of Huoshenshan Hospital in only nine days. Subsequently, it launched online classes, remote diagnosis and treatment, digital epidemic control, distance education, and smart community services. 

Lanxin mobile office platform developed by Qi An Xin Group currently supports 10,000 people working online at the same time, helping to resume work and production. 

Revitalize industrial growth

The Weclassroom platform independently developed by Tomorrow Advancing Life Education Group has become an important platform for online teaching. In addition, Speiyou, a subsidiary of Tomorrow Advancing Life Education Group, launched a variety of free classes, benefiting seven million students. 

ByteDance has accelerated the development of online office. 

Unisound developed the first epidemic prevention robot for street communities in only 48 hours. In addition, its other AI-assisted epidemic prevention products such as an intelligent voice electronic medical record system, a contactless intelligent elevator and  an intelligent online education solution have been applied in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei, Shandong, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, and other areas. 

Since the outbreak, Zhongguancun has launched a series of supporting policies such as anti-epidemic loans, R & D subsidies for small and micro enterprises and rent reductions and exemptions for Zhongguancun technology enterprises, contributing to epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery.