Zhongguancun Life Science Park Forum spotlights decades of success
Oct 20, 2020
The Zhongguancun Life Science Park Development Forum 2020, also known as the Zhongguancun Life Science Park’s 20th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition, opened in Beijing on Oct 19.
ZTA celebrates 20th anniversary
Oct 20, 2020
Beijing witnessed the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Zhongguancun Talent Association on Oct 18, 2020.
ZGC promotes digital economy and finances advanced manufacturing
Oct 16, 2020
The 2020 National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week began on Oct 15.
Xiaomi plans new intelligent factory to make 10m smartphones annually
Oct 15, 2020
Xiaomi Corp is building a next-generation, completely-unmanned automated factory that can make over 10 million smartphones every year, to make further inroads into the high-end market and hone its smart manufacturing capabilities, according to a top company official.
Nation set to 'moderately' push ahead technology commercialization
Oct 15, 2020
China will "moderately" push ahead 5G construction in the next few years, as commercialization of the technology gathers speed in the country despite the COVID-19 challenges and economic uncertainties, a top regulatory official said on Wednesday.
China has become world's largest, fastest-growing IC market
Oct 15, 2020
China has become the world's largest and fastest-growing integrated chip (IC) market, experts said Wednesday at the ongoing IC China 2020 expo held in Shanghai.
AI policies hold key to continent's prosperity
Oct 14, 2020
The rapid growth of artificial intelligence presents an opportunity for Africa to provide solutions to some of its most pressing problems, such as food security, healthcare and financial services. And it could lead to eventual economic growth and inclusive development.
Lenovo, Baidu among heavyweights expanding presence in Southwest China
Oct 14, 2020
Chinese tech giant Lenovo Group Ltd is stepping up its push to tap into emerging high-technology opportunities in the nation's southwestern region via its 5G headquarters in Chongqing.